Governments and state agencies must invest in transport and other infrastructure to serve their communities and economies, and support sustainable growth. Delivering these complex transit systems and development schemes poses many challenges – from political to physical, economic to social, technological to environmental.
With the right strategic support, not only will you resolve those challenges more effectively, you can also realise additional opportunities to drive economic and social development.
Capacity and capability to formulate infrastructure strategy and plan and manage a portfolio of projects are crucial, not only to achieving a successful outcome and value for money, but also unlocking wider benefits for society and industry. Such benefits may include creating jobs and developing skills in a community, increasing workforce diversity and inclusion, and building your local supply chain.
Crossrail International provides strategic advice at the level of both the enterprise/portfolio, and the project/programme. This helps government agencies, transport operators and special purpose vehicles build that essential capacity and capability within their organisations and across industry and supply chains. Together we can devise a capacity building strategy to secure world-class infrastructure while leaving a lasting legacy for local communities, future projects and the national economy.
Our expert advisers understand the obstacles and pitfalls that impact cost, time and quality on megaprojects. Our insights allow you to anticipate those problems, de-risk your programme, and realise the full potential of a once-in-a-generation infrastructure project.
We enable this transformational change by helping you build capacity and capability across your organisation, economy and workforce to maximising the economic, social and environmental returns from your infrastructure investment.